The Blog
It's nearly Easter!
So another year, another treasure hunt.
So what have we been up to over the winter?
Well firstly we’ve created a couple of treasure hunts that aren’t on Anglesey, these are in Conwy and in Caernarfon and we hope to do more across North Wales very soon.
Secondly we (I) have written a book which I’m in the process of trying to get published, so if you have any contacts with literary agents that you think might be able to help me out please let me know.
And thirdly, I’ve done some work on the website which I dearly hope will make it easier to find what you’re looking for.
We aren’t doing an Easter special hunt this year because we just don’t have time to create it, however I am hoping to get time to do a small one which I will give away free to anyone that wants it over Facebook. (Now I’ve said it I’ll have to do it).
Last month (February) basically marks 12 months of us starting out and we want to put a massive thank you out there to everyone that has supported us over the year.
Just before Christmas we went on a little adventure to Portmeirion and are in the process of contacting them to see if we could arrange to do a treasure hunt there which we could make available through their shop! We’ll keep you posted on that one.

Happy new year treasure hunters
Things are starting to quieten down, we can't wait to see you all back next year.

We litter picked the whole Anglesey Coastal Path!!!! Thank you all for your help.
Easter was Brilliant!
We had an amazing time over Easter and to our great relief you all loved the Easter treasure hunt.
Special thanks to Leanne for providing the picture on the right! The kids were all delighted with the medals and we can’t wait to construct another special hunt.
In the mean time we have had a few requests for a disability friendly driving hunt around the island which we are getting to as soon as we can and should be up within the next two or three weeks.

Amlwch is now available
We are delighted to announce that we have launched out new hunt based around Amlwch Port. We hope you love it! Just click on out treasure hunts page to learn more.
Easter is coming
We’re thrilled with the response we have received to our Easter treasure hunt. It is going to be a great family day out and today we are off out to put the finishing touches to it. It’s going to take in so much of the island and I can’t actually wait to get on the road today and start enjoying some of these amazing places my self.
Amazing response
We are now around three weeks in to our adventure and what an amazing response we have received. So many people saying we are a great family day out, a super way to entertain the children on a budget and very entertaining for the grown ups too. We couldn’t be happier.
To cap it all our latest hunt is out, a treasure hunt adventure around Penmon Point. For a look at the area see the video playing below.
Anglesey Treasure hunts update
We have spoken to several of our lovely new customers over the last week and expecting lots of lovely trip advisor reports. With that in mind I just wanted to remind everyone that my personal telephone number is still available on the site as is my email. Please feel free to get in contact to ask anything, we are still feeling our way through and looking to make your experience the very best it can be. Reach out, comment on our social media and leave reviews. Every little helps.
Telephone number 07359 204486. Email
We very much look forward to welcoming you to Anglesey.
So we are launching!
Well I can tell you that we have been threatening to do this for nearly two years, but thoughts are a lot easier to do than actions, and as such it has remained a thought, that is until very recently. I hope you enjoy what we are trying to do here and I hope you have as much fun doing these hunts as we inevitably will creating them.
I can’t stress enough that any and all feedback is welcome, if you have an idea for a hunt let us know, if we like it and we do it we will certainly send it to you first free of charge for you to test.
If you enjoy yourself let us know, also maybe let everyone else know with a well favoured trip advisor in our direction.
Our Mission
We want to make you smile, anything you think we could change to help that tell us.
Our Values
We want to listen to you, we want to put you first. We won’t lie and we’ll always try to answer your questions.